Articles on: Snap Store

What is Google Tag and how to use it?

Google Tag is a tag management system provided by Google that allows you to quickly and easily add tracking codes or scripts to your website without requiring complex code edits. These tags can track website activity, measure user behavior, and gather data for analysis and reporting purposes.

Google Tag is most commonly used for integrating various Google services such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager

How to Use Google Tag on Printfuse?

Printfuse provides you with an easy way to integrate Google Tag into your Snapstore. Here’s how you can use Google Tag to enhance your store’s tracking and performance:

Set Up Google Tag on Printfuse

To use Google Tag at Printfuse, you’ll need to integrate it into your Snapstore by following these steps:

Create a Google Tag Account
Go to Google Tag Manager and sign up for an account.
Set up a new container for your Snapstore. This container will hold the tags you want to use.

Get Your Google Tag Code
After creating the container, Google Tag Manager will provide you with a tracking code (also called a container snippet) that you’ll need to add to your Snapstore.

Access Your Snapstore Settings

In your Printfuse Seller Dashboard, go to your Store Setup section.
Look for the Google Tag ID where you can add custom code.

Example Google Tag ID : GTM-ABC123

Insert Your Google Tag ID
Paste the Google ID into the designated field in your Snapstore settings.
Save the changes, and the Google Tag will be integrated with your Snapstore.

Use Google Tag for Conversion Tracking with Google Ads

If you’re running paid ads on Google, you can use Google Tag to track conversions from your ads. Here’s how to do it:

Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Go to your Google Ads account and create a new conversion action (e.g., a purchase or form submission).
Google will provide a conversion tracking tag.

Add Google Ads Conversion Tag to Google Tag Manager

Create a new tag in Google Tag Manager and select Google Ads Conversion Tracking.
Paste the conversion tracking ID and label into the tag setup.
Choose the trigger for the conversion (e.g., when a customer completes a purchase).
Save the tag and publish the changes.

Track Ad Campaign Performance

After setting up the conversion tracking, you’ll be able to track how well your ads perform, including the number of purchases or other actions driven by your ads.

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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