How to cancel an order?
You can cancel the order only when the order status is Pending. Once the order status is Seller Accepted and Provider Accepted the order cannot be cancelled completely.
Step 1: Sign in to your Printfuse seller account.
Step 2: From the left Menu, select Orders> Pending
Step 3: Search the order ID in the search bar.
Step 4: Click on Status button and select Cancel Order.
Once the order is Accepted by the Provider, the order cannot be completely canceled.
As each product is made to order specifically for your brand, the order cannot be cancelled after it goes under processing.
However here's what you can do to stop the order from shipping.
You can add the order to RTS (Return to Stock)
When the order is marked as RTS, it will be printed and added to your return inventory which will be available for reshipping (60 days)
If the order is already dispatched and picked up by the courier company, you will need to ask the user (customer) to cancel the order when the delivery is attempted.
You can cancel the order only when the order status is Pending. Once the order status is Seller Accepted and Provider Accepted the order cannot be cancelled completely.
How to cancel an order?
Step 1: Sign in to your Printfuse seller account.
Step 2: From the left Menu, select Orders> Pending
Step 3: Search the order ID in the search bar.
Step 4: Click on Status button and select Cancel Order.
What happens when the order is Provider Accepted?
Once the order is Accepted by the Provider, the order cannot be completely canceled.
As each product is made to order specifically for your brand, the order cannot be cancelled after it goes under processing.
However here's what you can do to stop the order from shipping.
How to cancel an order when it is under printing?
You can add the order to RTS (Return to Stock)
When the order is marked as RTS, it will be printed and added to your return inventory which will be available for reshipping (60 days)
If the order is already dispatched and picked up by the courier company, you will need to ask the user (customer) to cancel the order when the delivery is attempted.
Updated on: 06/01/2025
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